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About Us

I became a small business owner initially to help women in my community through different means. I wanted to curate a safe space for women to join and support each other. 


I pivoted slightly after my son turned 18 months old. Between that time and 2 years old I noticed he had some developmental delays. Shortly after his early intervention assessment I found out that he was on the spectrum ASD. Before finding this out, my son was enrolled in different swim classes, and gym class since the age of 7 months. It seemed like as he got older, the places I could take him and the classes I wanted to enroll him in became less inclusive and available. I wanted to do 2 things, 1) continue to create a safe space for women, with a focus on mothers and caregivers of autistic children. And 2) to offer an autism-friendly certification program for businesses that wish to become more inclusive and welcoming to individuals with autism.